Using tools to find data.

Some OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) tools to find data.

1. Maltego : Maltego is a graphical investigation tool that allows users to visualize links and relationships between entities such as people, companies, and websites. It can aggregate information from various public sources.

2. Shodan: Shodan is a search engine specialized in Internet-connected devices. It enables users to search for devices, servers, and other equipment based on criteria like open ports, used protocols, and potential vulnerabilities.

3. theHarvester : This tool is designed to collect information such as email addresses, domain names, subdomains, networks, employee searches, and associated information from public sources like search engines and social media sites.

4. SpiderFoot : SpiderFoot is an OSINT automation tool that gathers information from various sources, including websites, social networks, DNS services, public databases, and vulnerability scans.

5. IntelTechniques : Created by Michael Bazzell, an expert in investigations and OSINT, IntelTechniques is a set of OSINT tools that includes both free and paid resources to help investigators collect information about individuals, companies, and other entities online.